
Way of the Wedgie

The classroom activity package teaches STEM+Art skills through the eyes of a Hawaiian seabird, Wedge-tailed Shearwater or ‘Ua‘u kani, trying to survive in urban Honolulu. For grades 6 – 8 with suggested modifications for grades 9 – 12.

Coming in February 2025:

  •  Fifth new lesson using real data from research on ʻUaʻu kani migration
  •  Visit the Preserve through a virtual tour
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wedgie logo text vert min

Curriculum Features

The curriculum package (introduction and four lessons) was updated in April 2023 and includes activities that use inquiry-based science instruction, aligned to standards for grades 6 – 8 with suggested modifications for grades 9 – 12, to teach students about how biologists and artists work together to study and protect native Hawaiian seabirds.

Introduction: Meet a Seabird

Students are introduced to seabirds and the star of the lessons – ‘Ua‘u kani, or the Wedge-tailed Shearwater.

Studying Seabirds on Land: Population Monitoring

Students will learn about the shearwater life cycle, and study their growing populations.

Restoring a Seabird Colony

Students will use real data to monitor shearwater population trends and survivorship.

Staying Alive

Students will experience the challenges shearwaters face to reach adulthood.

Designing a Nest

Students will design and test different shearwater nesting shelters (new 2020).

Recorded Workshop for Educators

Learn the story and context behind each lesson.

Virtual tour of Freeman Seabird Preserve

Visit the seabird colony through a short video tour.


(coming soon)

Introduction Lesson

Meet a Seabird

In this lesson, students are introduced to seabirds and the star of the lessons ‘Ua‘u kani, or the Wedge-tailed Shearwater, through a presentation and video. Teacher resources include a lesson plan overview and alignment to standards. The introductory video highlights conservation efforts at the Freeman Seabird Preserve.

Lesson 1

Studying Seabirds on Land: Population Monitoring

In this lesson, students will graph Wedge-tailed Shearwater egg and chick counts, examine how the population has changed since 2009, and evaluate population growth over time. Students will also investigate the Wedge-tailed Shearwater life cycle, and will calculate the reproductive success of the colony, using real monitoring data for eggs and chicks. Watch shearwaters in real life through the video, which shares additional knowledge on shearwater biology.

Lesson 2

Restoring a Seabird Colony: Habitat Renovation

In this lesson, students will graph Wedge-tailed Shearwater reproductive success from different types of nests, and will examine how the number of nests has changed over time in the Preserve. Students will also evaluate the different nest types used at the Preserve, by rating their ability to mitigate different threats to shearwaters. The video highlights the diverse talents and strengths that work together to protect shearwaters.

Lesson 3

Staying Alive: A Game of Survival

In this lesson, students will experience the life of the Wedge-tailed Shearwater trying to stay alive and raise a chick. Students will use a simulation game to rate the impacts from the various threats faced by shearwater eggs, chicks and adults. They will use this information to design management actions to mitigate the most important threats to the shearwater population. Learn how to help grounded shearwaters by watching the video about how light pollution threatens seabirds.

Lesson 4

Designing a Nest: Conservation Solutions

In this lesson, students will design a nest and construct a model applying what they know about nest preferences and threats. In addition students will test how well their model functions and elaborate by analyzing real air temperatures inside the shelters. See the different types of nests and how artists and biologists work together in the video. 

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